Review: Jewish Cats All Year Round

Jewish Cats All Year Round by Varda Livney PJ Publishing, 2024 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Rachel Aronowitz Buy at This cute board book, full of pastel colored, cartoonish illustrations, highlights cats celebrating different Jewish holidays with symbols and simple text. Young children will enjoy seeing the smiling cats and a mouse friend on each page. Since this book is so simple and the only text is the name of the holiday accompanied by a few illustrations symbolic of each holiday, it would be necessary for someone with more knowledge of Jewish holidays to be present to provide more context. For example, the page for Passover only shows a pile of matzoh. If a person unfamiliar with Jewish holidays or culture was reading this book, they might not understand the meaning conveyed by the page. I think this book is only useful in a Jewish setting since non-Jewish readers will be at a loss to explain the text and illustrations. I don't believe it increases the ...