Review: Eight Bright Nights

Eight Bright Nights by Hindy Spitz, illustrated by Jessica Liu Hachai, 2022 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Jeff Gottesfeld With all the attention on diversity in children's books in general, and here at the Shmooze on Jewish books in particular, the fact remains that Orthodox Jewish practice is generally matter the identity characteristics of the adherents. Attention must be paid, as Arthur Miller said, particularly because it is projected that by 2060, Orthodox Judaism will be the largest Jewish denomination in America. It's a way of life with consistency; that way of life is beautifully reflected in Hindy Spitz's book about Chanukah, Eight Bright Nights , with accurate, authentic, and often touching art by Jessica Liu. Chanukah -- that's the spelling Spitz adopts -- is a minor festival on the calendar. Spitz takes us through it in charming rhyme, never overestimating the holiday's importance (boosted for many of us by its calendar placem...