Review: 100 Rooms

100 Rooms by Haya Shenhav, illustrated by Yirmi Pinkus Kalaniot Books, 2024 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Suzanne Grossman Buy at The prolific Israeli author Haya Shenhav, recipient of the highest honors of juvenile literature in Israel, joins the esteemed Israeli illustrator Yirmi Pinkus to bring us this funny and engaging tale of a man who desires an ever-expanding house. When it is finally completed there are 100 rooms, each designated for a different item. There’s a room for forks, a room for chairs, a separate room for every item he owns, leaving enough for one extra empty room. But he is alone and lonely. Taking one of each item, he furnishes the remaining room. He lives in this room and sells the rest, including their contents, at very low prices. Having simplified his possessions he ventures outside to greet his neighbors who are happy to meet him. The cartoon style digital art with bright vibrant colors enhances the absurd humor. There is minimal Jewish repres...