Review: Passover: A Celebration of Freedom

Passover: A Celebration of Freedom by Bonnie Bader, illustrated by Joanie Stone Big Golden Books (imprint of Penguin Random House), 2023 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Karen Shakman Buy at The Passover story is one filled with drama and intrigue, and Bonnie Bader does the story justice in her new retelling: Passover: A Celebration of Freedom . In the spirit of the Golden Books, it is a fairly traditional and loyal retelling of the story of Moses and the Jewish people’s escape from Egypt, with iconic imagery of baby Moses in the basket, the burning bush, and the parting of the Red Sea. Bader deftly captures the highlights of the story and has great instincts for the elements that are of most interest to children who may be hearing it for the first time, or for children who are familiar with the story. Perhaps the most exciting spread of the book is when Bader covers six of the plagues, building tension as we move from itchy lice to the slaying of the first born. When we ...