Review: Hanukkah Upside Down

Hanukkah Upside Down by Elissa Brent Weissman, illustrated by Omer Hoffmann Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2023 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Ann D. Koffsky Buy at From their homes in New York and New Zealand, cousins Noah and Nora celebrate Hanukkah. But which one's got it right side up, and which upside down? They have an eight-night competition to decide which side of the world celebrates it best. Is Hanukkah better in New York’s winter or New Zealand’s summer? Does it go best with snowballs or surfboards? As the competition goes on, readers get to see how each cousin celebrates the holiday differently, and also what they have in common. While they each do things differently from different sides of the world, they BOTH light the chanukiah, spin a sivivon, and enjoy latkes and sufganiot. The story is upbeat and cheerful throughout, with the competition never getting anything beyond friendly. The arc of the story—one new activity of difference, and one in comm...