Review: The Greatest

The Greatest by Veera Hiranandani, illustrated by Vesper Stamper Random House Studio (imprint of Random House Children's Books), 2024 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Freidele Galya Soban Biniashvili Buy at Growing up, our family's Sundays were always set aside for visiting my grandparents: first my mother's parents, and then my father's mother. It was with this memory that I began reading The Greatest, which opens with "The old man sips his coffee and watches the sun come up. It’s Sunday, his favorite day of the week. Sundays are when his grandchildren come to visit." The story goes through different activities in which grandfather and grandchildren engage in during their time together. The grandchildren think their grandfather is the greatest, although he is not sure why they feel that way. By the last sentence in the book, though, he comes to a heartwarming conclusion about why that may be. Noticeably absent from the story is the grandmoth...