Review: Ella KVELLephant and the Search for Bubbe's Yiddish Treasure

Ella KVELLephant and the Search for Bubbe's Yiddish Treasure written and illustrated by Jen Kostman Kalaniot Books (imprint of Endless Mountains Publishing), 2023 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Arlene Schenker But at A day at the beach with Bubbe and Zayde Kvellephant turns into a treasure hunt for little Ella. When Bubbe reminisces about going to the beach with her Bubbe, she realizes that she has lost most of her Yiddish. This is good news for Ella because she loves a treasure hunt and is great at finding lost things. She reassures Bubbe that she will find her Yiddish for her and is eager to search "every sandy shore and every salty sea." After a walk on the boardwalk to get ice cream, Ella begins to build her ship of sand. Sadly, it is washed away by a giant wave. Bubbe comforts her after her water mishap, and Ella falls asleep dreaming of pirate adventures on the ocean searching for the lost language. But it is soon time to pack up and go home, and ...