Review: A Mitzvah for George Washington

A Mitzvah for George Washington by Rachelle Burk, illustrated by Chiara Fedele Creston Books, 2024 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Marcia M. Rosenthal Buy at A Mitzvah for George Washington is a historical fiction picture book based on an authentic event. On August 17, 1790, Washington arrived in Newport, Rhode Island. The leader of the Hebrew Congregation of Newport prepared for Washington’s visit by writing a letter of gratitude to him for being a “guiding light to religious freedom.” In this fictional story, the leader tells his daughter Bella that expressing gratitude is a mitzvah. She is so inspired by Washington’s advocacy for freedom of religion that she gathers the children of the Congregation to prepare signs to welcome and thank him. Upon his arrival, Washington is escorted by a large crowd, but the children are obstructed from his view. Undeterred, they make candles to give to Washington the next day, but the children are unable to see him. Bella...