Review: Nightmares in Paradise

Nightmares in Paradise (Ring of Solomon series) by Aden Polydoros Inkyard Press, 2024 Category: Middle Grade Reviewer: Kathryn Hall Buy at Nightmares in Paradise is a sequel to Ring of Solomon , the first middle grade novel from Polydoros, and can be read independently, although it is better to read both sequentially. Zach Darlington has recovered from his encounter with Ashmedai, the King of Demons. When his annoying little sister Naomi disappears with his flaming sword, he and his friend Sandra call on Ashmedai to help them find her. Adventures ensue: strange beasts attack, bullies experience Biblical consequences, and the good guys win. Zach is bullied by several kids at school, who surmise that he is gay, although he has not come out even to his parents yet. The book is well written and an enjoyable read. There are two completely different types of Jewish representation in this book. Zach and his family are contemporary California Jews who prepare Ashkenazi food and ...