Review: Shimmy Shambone Will Not Share His Toys

Shimmy Shambone Will Not Share His Toys by Yael Zoldan, illustrated by Robert Salanitro Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Leah Cypess Buy at Feldheim Shimmy Shambone Will Not Share His Toys is the third in a series of picture books about Shimmy. This book stands alone. In it, Shimmy won't share his toys with anyone, and ends up with a heap of toys but no friends to play with. With the help of a kind adult, Shimmy comes to realize both that sharing is the right thing to do, and that it ends up being a lot more fun for him. This is a fun, child-friendly book. Shimmy is marvelously drawn, through both text and illustrations, as a character most children will easily identify with. The easy, playful rhyme is a great counterweight to the moral of the story. The characters in the book are clearly Orthodox, but the book is easily relatable to all children. Sharing is described as a "mitzvah," and God is referred to as "Hashem." The thrust of the message is the importan...