Review: The Porridge Pot Goblin

The Porridge-Pot Goblin by Jacqueline Jules, illustrated by Hector Borlasca Apples & Honey Press (imprint of Behrman House), 2022 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Leah Cypess Buy at The Porridge-Pot Goblin is a charming picture book in which an invisible goblin disrupts the Shabbat preparations of two village children. After several mishaps and some chaos, the children outsmart the goblin and save the Shabbat meal (and their mother’s nap). The story focuses on Shabbat preparations, and the chaos of the goblin’s mischief is contrasted to the peace and happiness of the Friday night meal, in a way that makes the atmosphere of Shabbat feel almost tangible. The well-written text and delightful illustrations work together to bring this fun, humorous story to life. It should be a strong contender for the Sydney Taylor Book Award. Illustration Editor Dena Bach adds: The illustrator sets the story in a shtetl-like village with lively, off-kilter images reminisc...