Review: Aren't Brothers and Sisters Wonderful!

Aren't Sisters and Brothers Wonderful! by Shevi Morgenstern, illustrated by Valentina Jaskina Hachai Publishing, 2024 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Jeff Gottesfeld Buy at Goodness, am I the right reviewer for this book. I'm the eldest of four boys, and my youngest brother is just seven years younger than me. It's very different today in the liberal Jewish world (1.4 is the rate), but our Orthodox brethren (and all Israelis, for that matter) are still holding to big families. Thumbs up for them, and I mean it. The hero here, in an Orthodox family, is Shmuly. He's number three in a family of four, with an older brother who always beats him to the bathroom in the morning, a sister who tends to use his favorite cereal bowl, and a little sister who enjoys hiding his slippers. I relate to all of this. Shmuly is unhappy with his circumstances, but his mom -- dad isn't in this story -- relates how she too faced some of the same struggles, and that her mom ha...