Review: The Hedgehog Who Said Who Cares?

The Hedgehog Who Said Who Cares? by Neri Aluma, illustrated by Amit Trainin Kalaniot Books, 2024 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Cindy Rivka Marshall Buy at Author Neri Aluma has transposed a teaching story from the Talmud into a vibrant picture book that is relevant to challenges in our contemporary world. Hedgehog digs a burrow, smack in the middle of a road used by other animals. Rabbit and Mouse, stymied by the large pile of dirt blocking their way, wonder who is responsible. Meanwhile Hedgehog is oblivious and cozy in his new home. When Rabbit and Mouse confront him, Hedgehog snorts “Who cares?” But the next day, when a rainstorm causes the burrow to collapse into mud, Hedgehog needs help. Rabbit and Mouse come to his aid and help him dry off and get warm. Hedgehog apologizes and admits his wrongdoing. The book ends with Hedgehog helping others to plant a garden of flowers along the road. This book was originally published in Hebrew and the translation does an admir...