Review: The Greatest Song Of All

The Greatest Song of All: How Isaac Stern United the World to Save Carnegie Hall by Megan Hoyt, illustrated by Katie Hickey Quill Tree Books (imprint of HarperCollins), 2022 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Shanna Silva Buy at The Greatest Song of All, How Isaac Stern United the World to Save Carnegie Hall , is easily one of my favorite picture book biographies. It’s a dual story about violinist Isaac Stern and the cultural significance of New York’s Carnegie Hall. These story lines weave together as Isaac develops his extraordinary talents and falls in love with the venue whose stage has been graced by the likes of Marion Anderson, Albert Einstein, Duke Ellington, and Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Written in beautiful prose that uses the five senses to place the reader in Carnegie Hall and New York, it’s complemented by sophisticated illustrations that depict a diverse, vibrant city. Isaac is the child of poor Jewish immigrants from Ukraine (particularly resonant with current event...